Carsten as Trainer

Dr Carsten Karcher offers you moderation and session management for your specialist events on the subject of road engineering and construction materials in English or German language. Of course, he also offers customised training courses and seminars tailored to your needs and subject areas, e.g. for salespeople.

In addition, he regularly holds training courses on the subject of design, construction, maintenance and management of airfield pavements together with his partner company airsight GmbH in Berlin and for selecetd airports internationally.

Since 2013 he is a trainer for public and in-house trainings in this field. During this time, he has given regularly trainings in airport pavement

  • construction (construction materials, quality control, structural design, surface friction, surface evenness, bearing strength),
  • maintenance (pavement failure, condition measurements, rehabilitation measures, evaluation),
  • management (strategies, tools and procedures) and
  • strength classification (ACN/PCN and ACR/PCR).    


Dr Karcher has more than 10 years of teaching experience in various subjects in the field of road engineering and construction materials at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Geosciences and Environmental Sciences at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).